Loading scrap cargoes at Novorossiysk port
are alerted to procedures in operation at Novorossiysk port for the loading of
scrap cargoes. Scrap
cargoes currently being loaded at the port correspond to what is known locally
as Class A3 or Standard A3. Such scrap must not include engine parts and oxygen
bottles (unless dismantled/cut), pieces of concrete, stones, asbestos-coated
pipes, oily parts and even military ammunition and shells. Since
the cargo is usually not subject to the standard, the cargo quantity agreed for
loading is failed to be loaded completely because the stowage factor of the
scrap considerably exceeds that declared by the Shipper. This causes
shortloading. To confirm the actual stowage factor of the cargo and its quantity
we are ready to conduct draft survey on behalf of the vessel. Two
methods of loading are used. In
the first, scrap cargoes are accumulated in a stack over a long period in open
storage at the Central or Eastern dock. The ship then loads from this stack and,
on completion of loading, onboard quantities are determined by draft survey. In
the second method of loading, cargo is delivered alongside by railway boxcars,
and loaded directly from the wagons into the ship’s hold. This method of
loading is extremely slow. For example, it takes about a month to load 10,000
metric tons of scrap. The amount loaded is determined in the same way as in the
first method of loading. Generally,
cargo delivered to the port is not tested against required quantity standards by
either the port or the cargo interests, so it is often until after the cargo is
actually on board that the master becomes aware of any discrepancy between what
is on the ship and standard set out in the load order, if the ship is actually
contracted to load a specific grade of scrap. Since
the cargo usually is not subject to Standard, the cargo quantity agreed for
loading cannot be loaded completely because the stowage factor of the scrap
considerably exceeds that declared by the Shipper. This causes shortloading. To
confirm the actual stowage factor of the cargo and its quantity draft survey is
to be carried out. It
is very difficult for crews to maintain round-the-clock surveillance to prevent
the loading of such admixtures, and to debate every single sling-load with
stevedores and crane drivers. Masters
should ensure that any difference in the cargo from that required is to be
reflected in the bill of lading description or additional clausing. Arrangements
for loading inspections and draft surveys can be made through our company.
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