Loading sunflower seeds in bulk at Novorossiysk port
holds of the vessel delivered for loading the cargo are inspected by the
Shipper's surveyor and State Grain Inspector who determine whether the vessel is
ready for loading the cargo. In case the remains of the previous cargo or
insects are found the vessel is not accepted by the Shipper for loading.
Sometimes it is necessary to influence the mentioned procedure since there may
be a variety of reasons for non-acceptance of the vessel’s cargo holds for
loading the cargo. At
Novorossiysk the cargo of sunflower seeds is loading by the following
technological methods: The
cargo is stored in shore silos of the grain elevator, delivered to the pier with
the elevator belt and loaded into vessel’s holds through norias or by means of
special shore vacuum installation. When loading is performed through norias the
quantity of loaded cargo is determined as per readings of the shore volume gauge
bunker fixed on the elevator, taking into account the cargo volume and its
stowage factor. When loading is effected by shore vacuum installation the
quantity of loaded cargo is determined with electronic weighing machines. In
bad weather loading of the cargo is usually suspended, but the cargo, which is
left on the elevator belt being approximately 1,5 km in length may be wetted due
to eventual leakage of the elevator gallery. The elevator performs loading of
various grain cargoes for different vessels simultaneously. There have been
cases when the cargo of sunflower seed was loaded with admixtures of barley or
wheat cargo, which was subject to loading to a neighbouring vessel. In
this respect an independent surveyor’s control on the cargo condition is of
most importance. For
the carrier to be fully defended against any claims for significant cargo
shortage we would offer the following scheme: at the port of loading – draft
survey is to be performed to determine the quantity of cargo loaded with further
sealing of holds, at the port of discharging – unsealing is to be conducted
with further performance draft survey determining the quantity of cargo
delivered. Such procedure makes it possible for the carrier to avoid any
shortage claims. Taking the above into consideration we would recommend the carrier to perform draft survey, cargo holds readiness inspection, cargo condition survey, supervision of loading procedure and sealing of the vessels holds on completion of loading. The
mentioned services are within the scope of
services usually provided by our company. You are welcome to apply to us in
case of need.
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