Loading steel coils, plates, sheets, pipes, beams, wire rods, tin plates, angles, H-channels, round bars, reinforcing bars etc. at Novorossiysk
Loading steel coils, plates, sheets, pipes, beams, wire rods, tin plates, angles, H-channels, round bars, reinforcing bars etc. at Novorossiysk Port
Novorossiysk Port is the largest Black Sea port of Russia specializing in export of steel cargoes. Steel products of different kinds are delivered from the manufacturers’ premises by railway in the open platforms or in the box-cars. Due to the fact that most of the manufacturers are situated far away from Novorossiysk the process of transportation of steel cargoes to Novorossiysk port takes a long time. The cargo in the open platforms is affected by atmospheric precipitation during transportation.
Open storage cargo: After being delivered to the Port territory, finished steel products such as hot rolled steel coils, hot rolled steel sheets, hot rolled plates, wire rods, pipes and other steel cargoes without packing, as well as semi-finished steel products, are stored in the open storage. The open storage cargo is exposed to all weathers (rain, snow etc.). The steel surface deteriorates due to oxidation, i.e. it becomes partly rust stained, rust stained or even rusty. Some open storage cargo is placed close to the sea. The cargo is therefore exposed to salt atmosphere and sea sprays in stormy weather.
Storage in Warehouses: Cold rolled steel coils / sheets, galvanized steel coils / sheets and other steel products in packing are normally stored in warehouses. However, when there is no space for storage in warehouses these steel products are stored in the open area and in this case the cargo becomes wet before shipment. During transportation and storage the packing becomes dull, dirty, covered with dust, partly rust stained etc. Care should be taken to avoid stowage of wet before shipment cargo in the same hold with the cargo from warehouses.
Cargo handling: Mechanical damage to cargo in the process of handling is sometimes unavoidable due to operational reasons. With respect to steel cargoes shipped from Novorossiysk port the most common mechanical (handling) damage is as follows: dented / torn packing, broken / missing strapping bands, dented / buckled / torn windings or edges, telescoped windings. Sometimes the Shippers especially employ stevedores to replace broken / missing strapping bands, to recondition dented / torn / ovalized packing alongside the ship or in warehouses.
Pre-loading survey: The steel pre-loading survey at Novorossiysk port is preceded by written notification of the parties concerned (shippers / cargo forwarders, stevedoring company, port officials). Our surveyors carry out a preliminary survey in open storage and in warehouses so to inform the Masters of the condition of the cargo scheduled for loading. The continuous pre-shipment survey is carried out alongside the vessel immediately prior to loading of the cargo on board. Surface condition of the cargo and mechanical (handling) damage to each individual cargo unit is described by our surveyors in presence of a port / warehouse representative.
Master’s remarks on cargo condition: Due to mechanical damage and improper surface condition the Master has to clause the Mate’s Receipts and Bills of Lading adequately. A notice of Master’s intention to insert relevant remarks on cargo condition, as well as of the wording of the remarks, should be given to the Shippers / Cargo Forwarders in advance so to avoid delays on completion of loading. The involvement of our surveyors in this process is of great importance to the Master. On completion of loading the Master signs properly claused Mate’s Receipts and Bills of Lading.
Our company is ready to perform such tally of the cargo on behalf of the
vessel and cargo condition survey with full assistance to Master while
discharging operations and clausing Outturn report. Please contact
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