Loading bulk grain cargoes (wheat, barley, raps seeds) at Novorossiysk port
holds of the vessel delivered for loading this kind of cargo are inspected by
the Shipper's surveyor and State Grain Inspector who determine whether the
vessel is ready for loading the cargo. In case the remains of the previous cargo
or insects are found the vessel is not accepted by the Shipper for loading.
Novorossiysk loading of the mentioned cargo may be performed by two
technological methods:
cargo is stored in shore silos of the grain elevator, delivered to the pier
with the elevator belt and loaded into vessel’s holds through norias or by
means of special shore vacuum installation. When loading is performed
through norias the quantity of loaded cargo is determined as per readings of
the shore volume gauge bunker fixed on the elevator, taking into
account the cargo volume and its stowage factor. When loading is effected by
shore vacuum installation the quantity of loaded cargo is determined with
electronic weighing machines.
cargo is loaded directly from r. w. hoppers by lifting the hopper with
floating crane and opening its bottom over the hold. In this case the
quantity of cargo loaded on board is determined by Shipper's surveyor on the
basis of drat survey only. However, it is important to note that the hoppers
arrive at the port of Novorossiysk with the designated in the waybills
quantity of cargo. And the Shipper's surveyor is guided by the figure of the
aggregate cargo quantity in all the hoppers, and does not take into account
the losses suffered in the process of the cargo delivery to the port by rail
to the above stated, we assume, it is most important for shipowner to arrange
for attendance of an independent surveyor who would determine the quantity of
the cargo actually loaded on board on the basis of the draft survey, as well as
control the vessel's holds readiness for loading the mentioned cargo, as on
vessel's arrival at the port the full quantity of cargo may be not ready for the
shipment and Shippers may try intentionally to reject to accept the cargo holds
for loading on the plea of their unreadiness.
mentioned works are within the scope of
services usually provided by our company. You are welcome to apply to us in
case of need.
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