Loading liquid fertilizer (UAN solution, etc) at Novorossiysk port
cargo of liquid fertilizer is delivered to Novorossiysk port by means of
rail-way cisterns and accumulated in shore reservoirs. Frequently there is a
considerable delay in delivering full quantity of cargo by the ship’s arrival
for the reason that the port reservoirs capacities are limited to 8,000 mts
In this situation, the Shipper sometimes try to put liability on the vessel’s
shoulders denying to accept the tanks for loading operation, even when they are
actually ready for loading of this kind of cargo. Moreover,
one of the conditions of the loading commencement is readiness of all the tanks
and acceptance for loading of all of them by the Shipper’s surveyor. Sometimes,
due to even minor uncleanliness which can be removed within 10 minutes in one or
two tanks the commencement of loading may be considerably delayed. To
avoid the above delay it is most important that the tank readiness inspection is
performed by the surveyor appointed by the vessel jointly with the
Shipper’s surveyor. The surveyor acting on behalf of the vessel also has to
check whether full quantity of cargo is ready for loading. The
ullage figure calculated by the Shipper’s surveyor is inserted into Bill of
Lading, however, while calculating he takes into consideration the shore figure
of the cargo quantity. The shore figure is based on inaccurately calibrated
shore cisterns. The cargo pipeline (non-calibrated at all) is about 1 km in
length, and the cargo quantity in the line before and after loading remains
unknown. Bearing
in mind the above, we assume, for due protection of his interests it is
necessary for the shipowner to make arrangements for ullaging to be
performed on the part of his tanker. The
above is within the scope of the services
provided by our company. Our surveyor can additionally perform sampling
and general surveyor’s assistance to the Master. Please
do not hesitate to apply to us with your requests.
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