Rostov-on-Don Port
The river Port of Rostov-on-Don handles loading and discharging of import-export cargo traffic, including transshipments, warehousing, and fleet maintenance and services. The port is accessible from five seas and Russian river-to-sea vessels make regular runs from Rostov to many Mediterranean ports. A crossing point opened in the Rostov-on-Don port that creates the favourable conditions for the foreign trade transportations via the point, provides new workplaces and additional proceeds to the local and federal budgets. Several years ago the same international status was granted to Azov sea port. But it was not sufficient for the majority ships following the direction. The new Rostov-on-Don crossing point will relieve Azov port of excessive overload, and the ships do not need now to stand idle days and nights. The first ship passing the Rostov-on-Don crossing point was under the flag of Malta. A number of foreign ships expects to increase in the nearest future. Address: General Director - Alexander Nikolayevich Chubenko
First hand information on Rostov-on-Don Port homepage (in the Russian language)
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